Saturday, November 10, 2012

5 Family Safety Tips | Pregnancy Blog

Posted on 09. Nov, 2012 by Danielle Buffardi in Family

Keeping our families safe is our #1 priority, as it should be.

Since our kids are everywhere all the time, we as parents can?t always be with them to ensure our safety standards are being met ? but what we can do is start at home and make our family aware of the rules they are to keep in mind when they?re out of our reach.

Here?s five that should be ingrained and withheld as early as possible to ensure the safety and security of our loved ones.

1. Know Your Children

I mean this in all aspects.

Know their temperaments, their likes, their dislikes, their mood swings, their body language, their mental capacity, their allergies, their body (do they bruise easily? etc), their energy levels, and so on.

If you feel you don?t have a firm grasp on all of the above areas, then get one, on each of your children.

The better in tune you are with your family, the quicker you?ll be able to ascertain a problem with them.

Problems can range from anything to being bullied at school to coming down with a cold to being able to decipher that something is bothering them ? and everything else in between.

It should be so that no one knows and understands your child better than you. You are their biggest fan, their biggest supporter, and their biggest advocate and you should always be on your toes about the mental and physical well-being of each of your children so that you can be on top of any abnormalities in their behavior and actions.

2. Know How To Swim

You never know when water will become a dangerous inhibitor to any of your family members.

Make it a point that everyone in your immediate family can swim on their own without any help from an adult or flotation devices (age matters, of course. We don?t expect an infant to know how to swim).

3. Phone Numbers

If you are dealing with preschool-aged children, it?s important that they are well-versed in their parents? phone numbers and that they know how to dial a phone correctly.

With the older children, dialing a phone isn?t that important since they grasp that concept, but being able to ramble off their parents? cell phone numbers at a moment?s notice might be tricky.

With the ushering in of technology, especially smart phones and texting, are you able to recall your partner?s cell and work number?

Sometimes even the older kids need help being quizzed on important phone numbers and addresses to remember.

4. Know Where Your Kids Are

Don?t just assume they stayed after school to finish up a project. Don?t assume that they went directly home after school.

Don?t ever assume they are where they are supposed to be unless you know for sure that they are there.

Call them, text them, drop by where they are supposed to be unexpectedly to ensure you were properly informed of their whereabouts.

If your family knows that you?re on top of their actions, they?ll be less likely to try to fib in the future.

5. Not Everyone Is Good

Sure, we teach our kids to stay away from strangers, but what about the people that they?re familiar with?

Talk to your children and explain to them that not everyone we come in contact with is out for the greater good ? not everyone is safe to be around ? and not everyone will always look out for our best interests.

This isn?t meant to scare your kids, but to teach them the difference between those that want to help them and those that are out to harm them both mentally and physically.

For tips on how to start the ?stranger danger? conversation, I found a great article on the National Crime Prevention Council?s website.


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About the author: Danielle is a professional blogger, freelance writer, social media manager, and web content editor specializing in parenting, family, pregnancy, social media, start-ups, and entrepreneurial topics. To learn more about Danielle, please visit her website at

Tags: how to keep your family safe, stranger danger


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