Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Video: Left vs. right on final race to White House

>> us, michael smerconish , a syndicated radio hall. welcome to both of you.

>> good morning.

>> the race we know is razor tight. romney advisers say they have momentum and obama advisers say they have the get out the vote and ability in the key states. which would you rather have?

>> the momentum has favored governor romney the last three weeks ever since the first debate. the question is whether or not president obama cauterized the bleeding with his strong debate performance in the third debate. the goal is energize your base and make a play for independents, and that's what you see them doing in the final 13 days .

>> let me pick up on that with crystal. we see the president very fiery out on the campaign trail deploying his new favorite term romnesia. mitt romney says if he's attacking me it just shows he doesn't have a better plan. is there any danger on the part of the president by using the sarcasm he'll turn off independents by firing up the base?

>> he's responding to criticism that he hasn't talked enough about his own term for a second term. as you pointed out earlier, he's released a 20-page booklet outlining what he would do in a second term centered around the idea of economic patriotism . he wants to underscore, no, i don't only have complaints about the other guy, i also have plans of my own that i want to implement in a second term.

>> michael, what do you make of this book, because all those who have looked at it says it contains no new policies, happening less than two weeks before the election? is it too little too late?

>> i don't think that it's too little too late. i look tat in the same way i looked at governor romney 's play in the debate where he tried to portray himself as the moderate who had governed massachusetts, toned down the war talk with regard to iran and some of the middle east positions. i see the same thing going on relative to president obama , and that is he wants to be forward looking and make that pitch to independents. there's been so much attention in this campaign on the fringes, and now in the final two weeks, less than the final two weeks, both campaigns recognize that the power lies in the middle.

>> and there's this "x" factor which, of course, is the economy, and we've all known that will be the key issue. crystal, you're a democrat. when you see a day like yesterday on wall street , the dow dropping more than 200 points, big companies saying their earnings are falling short and they are cutting jobs, that's got to wake you up in the middle of the night .

>> sure, absolutely, and the economic numbers in general are one of the key factors that are going to be going into the decisions of undecided voters , and i would highlight for you there's a jobs number coming out the friday before election day so that could be a pivotal number, but if we look over the course of this campaign, surprisingly the economic numbers haven't really moved the needle. when we had a few tough jobs numbers several months back, the president was holding the lead. now we've had some better numbers coming out in recent weeks and it looks like mitt romney has the momentum so the jobs numbers surprisingly haven't been pivotal thus far.

>> maybe the voters have already factored them in. good to have you both. thank you.

>> thank you.


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