How do you feel about the Chick-Fil-A controversy? Which side are you on? Do you get riled up? Know someone who is? I used to get so riled up about many issues. It didn?t occur to me that maybe there?s another side to the story.
I rarely write articles about controversial issues like this because they are so negative.? In spite of that, I felt compelled to weigh in with a yet a different angle.? See if this makes sense to you. Feel free to disagree with me. It?s America.
If you are better than I am this time at avoiding the news you can Google it to learn more. In short, Dan Cathy, the owner of Chick-Fil-A, who runs his business based on biblical beliefs, said that he did not believe in gay marriage.
Dan was answering an interview question, a perfectly good place to express an opinion.? With 60,000 employees if he was discriminating against any of them, I?m sure they would speak up.? If you have ever employed people, as I did when I owned my Subway shop, you know there are also some ?less than honest? employees out there.? What if it was your dad or your best friend?s dad who said it?? Ever been embarrassed by something they said.? Does that mean you lash out?? I?m all for the freedom of speech and the right to boycott, but what is the intention of that? Is it not to hurt someone?s business?? What does that do to yourself if you get riled up?? Just a thought.
Here is something else that cracks me up.? All these political leaders ?weighing in? to get votes from haters and anti-haters for them and against their opponents. Ironically, I guess I?m weighing in, but I?m not looking for votes. What I?m a fan of is ?the truth.?? How about you?? Please bare with me before you judge where I?m going with this.
What I appreciate is Dan Cathy is open and honest.? If he treated or discriminated against employees or customers that would be a problem.? Isn?t this America, the place where you can have freedom of speech? Here is a guy who closes all of his 1,600 retail locations on Sundays to honor his beliefs and a day of rest as a Christian.? These days how many business owners put their beliefs before profits? Can you imagine how much more they might earn if they were opened on Sundays?? This is a retail food operation no less.? He believes people should have a day of rest and to be with family, however you define it.? I was shocked and felt refreshed years ago when I learned that from my friend Bill, who owned a Chick-Fil-A in the Philadelphia area.
Do you know the personal views of the owners of all the businesses where you spend your money?? Do you really care?? Do all owners tell all? ?Would most owners rather not ?go there? for fear of losing business or losing friends?? Can?t we all get along and respect people?s opinions even if they disagree with our own?
Being from Boston I heard that Tom Menino, Boston?s Mayor (who isn?t perfect but I like him), said something that cracked me up.? He said,?There is no room in Boston for Chick-Fil-A?
?We are indeed full of pride for our support of same-sex marriage and our work to expand freedom to all people.?
Freedom to all people? What about business owners, who happen to be people too, by the way. ?Freedom to all people? Unless you have an opinion that disagrees with mine, then we can?t include them? ?I respect both sides of this.? Just cracks me up that he said in Boston we are ?inclusive.?? How can you be inclusive and exclude someone with an opinion or belief?? I?d be willing to bet there are disagreeing opinions right in his own office.? This is why I?m not into politics.
Whatever your view is I respect it.? I?m not here to judge.? Sometimes we get all worked up over things that strike a cord with us, yet we sometimes can?t strike our own cord to do the things we know we should do like help others, take care of our health and wealth.? What if people who are getting all riled up on both sides did something better with that energy?? What could we do? What could they do for their own lives?
If you are a fan of the Law of Attraction, you know that even negative energy is energy.? People who are adamant against something are actually bringing energy to what you don?t want.? All the people who are picketing are giving great PR to the exact company they are against.? I?m sure there are negatives repercussions to Mr. Cathy, but I bet he?s also getting millions of dollars worth of publicity because of the controversy.
Where do you put your energy?? In the past, when you got ?riled? up about something, do you use that energy for good or?.??? Next time will you catch yourself and reconsider what you are doing and why?
Are you glad I weighed in on this one? Do you wish I had not? I?d love to hear your thoughts?? Should I weigh in on current issues? Should I stick to speaking topics?? Agree with me? Disagree? SPEAK!
Source: http://darrenlacroix.com/keynote-speaker-darren/chick-fil-a/
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